Cynthia Lawrence

Minister Cynthia Lawrence is another one of our very dedicated and hard-working ministers who sacrificially give to the Lord in all measures. She is also actively involved in Preaching, Teaching our Sunday School, and baptizing converted souls among many other duties and roles.

Jennifer Richards

Minister, Jennifer Richards is a hard-working, diligent, dedicated, committed, faithful servant of the Lord, who always tries to give her best in any endeavor. She is an Administrator by profession who loves the church and is passionate about the work of the Lord. She is one of those persons you...

Phillip Dixon

Just like the weeping prophet, Jeremiah, Minister Phillip Dixon is one of those ministers who constantly weeps for the saints, interceding on their behalf.

Lorna Minott

Faithful, dependable, helpful, no-nonsense, and committed to a Godly lifestyle, are some of the ways to describe Minister Minott. She has been serving the local church as a Minister since… She practices generosity and will go beyond the call of duty to help someone.

Kenneth Richards

As one of our dedicated ministers here at 25 Nugent Street, Minister Kenneth Richards is actively involved in Preaching, Sunday School, and Baptism of converted souls..